I-Point Totem


“Megatex” is pleased to propose you I-Point Totem, based on LCD technology with a possibility for displaying of charts, diagrams, presentations, maps, public messages, exchange information in real time, news on the world capital markets, sound and video. The Totem can be used as a “stand alone” information board or can be connected in network with other products, controlled through one point and the information can be updated in real time. Now Totem have a models with touch screen technology.This multimedia Totem is ideal for:  Hotels  Travel Agencies  Bars and Restaurants  Supermarkets and Store Chains  Malls and Shopping Centres Advertising Agencies Theme Parks  Communication Companies Phone Operators  Banks and Finance Institutions  Commodity Exchange  Stock Markets  Auto Show Rooms and Car Expositions  Gas Stations  Airports, Bus Stations, Train stations  Medical Centres  Drugstores  Sports Halls and Fitness Centres  Administrative Buildings Business Centres  Municipalities Courts Government Institutions Parliament and Councils of Ministers, Congress Centres Exhibition Halls  Schools and Universities   

                                                Phone: +359 2 923 89 07;
                                                cell: +359 888 278 280;
                                                Fax: +359 2 920 07 75;


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